Friday, November 24, 2006

Looking for Life on Other Worlds

Contributed by: Amber Ahmad on 7th Feb 2004 at

I got to read an article regarding "Looking For Life on Other Worlds" and I just had this idea that what would be the effect on our lives if we find out some life on other planets, quoting the writer "Despite the outlandish claims of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), humans have yet to detect even a single microscopic organism of extra-terrestrial origin.

Thus, one of the most sacred questions of human race remains unanswered: Are we alone in theuniverse? "So are we alone ? (As humans) Are we not enough for each other? Yes the scientists have detected surface features on Mars associated with recent flow of water, and the possibility of a liquid water ocean underneath the icy surface of Jupiter`s moon, has given some hopes in the efforts to search for life on other worlds.

But the actual question we have to ask is that what is life? Would life everywhere be based on the same chemistry as life here on Earth? How common are the ingredients that make up life on Earth? Well very hard questions, but I just wondered that what would any of us feel to if for example any alien say from MARS would appear in front of us and try to communicate, what would the language be? What would the reaction be? Screams, or smiles and welcome hands (well if they would have hands) interesting to think na? ......May be they are more educated, civilized and maybe they have more technology? Seems like any english fiction movie na? But do we really believe in this, scientifically yes we can believe that life exists on other planets too but does our religion give any idea or belief in these extra terestrial life forms?

Do we really believe in the thoery of EINSTEIN that "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Think about it, waisay bhee History testifies to the fact that free thinkers are the key people who help developing a society technologically and scientifically and ofcourse "Free Thought is Key to Progress"


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